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ArtSmart is an SME having an international experience in providing project design, research and training to public and private organisations.


Main fields of expertise of the ArtSmart are business development (Entrepreneurship) consulting, project design (Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, etc),  e-learning course development and business idea design from scratch to real implementation. 

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation is a non-profit organization and a research institute in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, pedagogy and didactics.

Its goal is the promotion of wellbeing and peace by innovating the most powerful means of change, education, through research.


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SYNTHESIS is one of the leading institutions in Cyprus in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation.

We implement projects of positive social impact, with a focus on social inclusion (particularly in the fields of entrepreneurship, migrant integration, empowerment, sustainable development).

SYNTHESIS runs an exclusive unit on School Education which is working closely with schools for the development of entrepreneurial and life skills as well as on the implementation of programmes for environmental education, the prevention of violence, radicalisation, bullying and discrimination.


The "Akademie für Politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen" is an NGO based in Linz / Austria and was founded with the aim of bringing topics of civic education closer to people of all ages. 


Entrepreneurship Education is one area of civic education and is particularly promoted by us in order to enable the ability to participate in economically and socially relevant topics.

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"Values, Virtues, Integrity" Foundation is a non-governmental organization, established in 2015 and acting in public benefit. 


It is based in Sofia, Bulgaria, but it also works in other urban and rural areas of the country.

The main goal of the Foundation is to foster the formation, promotion and embodiment of life-affirming values, virtues, and integrity in Bulgaria and the globe at the levels of personality, family, organization, guild, community, and society in fields like education (formal, informal, and non-formal – for children, youths, and adults), arts and culture, social inclusion of vulnerable groups, etc

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Mazais Princis is a private kindergarden located in Riga, Latvia. It, on average, has 50-60 kids in 5 age groups from 1.5 to 7 years old. 


One of the core experiences of the kindergarden is studies of languages - kids learn basics of English and French languages. One of the most famous French made stories "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry which pervades the everyday life of the kindergarden, e.g. groups are Planets, e.g. the smallest kids are "in" the White Planet.

Future Focus Ltd is an adult education centre focusing on childcare education. Our students learn how to take care of children between the ages of 2-7 years.


We also have courses for Learning Support Educators.  In addition, we offer entrepreneurship courses to encourage adults to entre the business world. 

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Project "KIDPRENEURSHIP - development of the Entrepreneurship mind set in our kids", Project Nr 2020-1-LV01-KA201-077505 


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