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Creativity enters fully into the top 10, drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF), of the skills that recruiters and, in general, the world of work will look for more in the future. This competence holds, in fact, the third place given its importance within the organizational context. Although creativity is often associated with the artistic field, this soft skill is actually a vital form of intelligence, which pushes people to discover something new in different areas, recognizing, in thoughts and objects, new connections that lead to innovations, solutions and changes. Creativity, in fact, is closely linked to innovation, that is, the transformation triggered by the introduction of novelty, which can solve problems and improve products, processes and situations. It is precisely the relationship between creativity and innovation that explains why the former is a fundamental element in today's world of work.



The focus is not so much on how to "teach creativity" to children, but how to create a fertile environment in which their creativity takes root, grows and develops. 

  1. Imagine: Show examples to stimulate ideas When we propose an activity, we always start by showing examples of projects, to give an idea of the possibilities and to provide ideas on how to start. First the child can concentrate on imitating the examples offered, then they will be encouraged to change or modify the examples, adding their own personal touch.

  2. Offer a variety of materials: provide a wide range of materials to carry out their tasks. The more varied the materials, the more opportunities for creative projects. 

  3. Welcome all types of "doing" 

  4. Give more importance to the process than to the product. It is important to ask the students what strategies they used and what they were inspired by, encouraging experimentation, also sharing the intermediate stages of the projects, talking about what they intend to do next and why. 

  5. Offer plenty of time to work on projects For meaningful feedback, two-hour sessions for projects, for a more radical result, reserved days or weeks during which students work exclusively on projects. 

  6. Intermediate and share Adults and children really collaborate on projects. Children are stimulated by teamwork. 

  7. Reflect on the process It is important that children immerse themselves in the projects, even more important that they reflect on what is happening. For example, "How did you come up with the idea for this project?" and "What surprised you the most?". 

  8. Sharing reflections Sharing with the children their own thought processes: it is useful for them to know the strategies you use to work on the projects and to go through the problems. They will be more willing to reflect on their own thinking and have a better model for doing so. 

  9. More solutions to the same problem Train, alone and together with the students, to find various solutions to the problems they encounter, including those structured in teaching activities.



P.S. If You want to download the activity descriptions when the description is opened, in Your browser look for "Export PDF" option


Project "KIDPRENEURSHIP - development of the Entrepreneurship mind set in our kids", Project Nr 2020-1-LV01-KA201-077505 


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